from 8:00am – 2:20pm


 It’s an entire day devoted to creativity! It’s a fun day of celebrating art and an opportunity to enrich creativity by introducing community artists to our students. The day will begin with students walking through the artist open house in the cafeteria. Students will get to see many artists at work. In the afternoon, each Robert Semple student will also get to participate in an artist lead classroom workshop. Over 30 parent and community volunteers will help to make the day a great success.


Art Day started in 1989. After taking a 5-year break during Covid, we are proud to bring this tradition back to Robert Semple Elementary


Every form of art and creativity can be used at Art Day.

 Can you crochet, knit, sew, paint, embroider, weave, carve, decorate cakes, make pizza or create objects out of art? Can you arrange flowers or design doll clothing? Do you create works of art out of recycled materials or other mediums?

Perhaps you paint with watercolors, play an instrument, sing, write poetry, sketch, dance or animate?

If so, we would love to have you join us as one of our guest artists. We have plenty of room, lots of supplies, friendly volunteer assistance and, of course, enthusiastic children!




Art day consists of both an artist open house and artist-led workshops.


You will bring all of your materials and projects to Robert Semple by 8 AM. Our volunteers can help you set up a table that will be provided. At 8:40 students will begin touring the cafeteria to watch our artist at work. They may ask you questions about your project or how you learn to create your art. Artists are encouraged to make this time interactive, if possible.


At 10:20 our volunteers will help you clean up and will direct you to your classroom for your first in-class workshop. Workshops are intended to be hands-on with kids being taught an art, music, writing or creative lesson connected to the artists artistic ability.


After the first workshop is complete, artist will join us for a catered lunch after which volunteers will help them set up for workshop #2. Workshop #2 will be exactly the same as the first, just for a different class.


After workshop #2 is complete, artists and volunteers will clean up and be ready for dismissal.



Date: Thursday, April 10th from 8:00am – 2:30pm


Place: Robert Semple Elementary School

2015 East 3rd Street, Benicia


Tentative Schedule

7:50 - 8:40

Artists set up for Open House & refreshments

8:40 - 9:10

Open House Session 1

9:15 - 9:45

Open House Session 2

9:50 - 10:20

Open House Session 3

10:20 - 10:40

Artists pack up and set up for workshops

10:40 - 11:40

Workshop #1

11:40 -12:20

Catered Lunch

12: 20 – 12:40

Setup for workshop #2

12:40 -1:40

Workshop #2

1:40 – 2:20

Pack up – School Dismissal



Do I need to participate in BOTH the open house and leading a workshop? No. We welcome artists for just one or the other. Please indicate your preference when you show interest.

Will there be someone to help me teach the workshop? Yes! Each artist will have a volunteer in the classroom, along with the teacher, to help them setup and teach their art lesson to the class.


Do I need to provide the materials for the workshop? No. The parent teacher group that is hosting this event can either purchase or reimburse you for your art supplies. All requests should be pre-approved before purchase so we ensure to stay within the budget.


Will lunch be provided? Yes, we are thrilled to provide all artists and volunteers both coffee refreshments and a catered lunch.


Do I need to know exactly what I will do at the workshop before I sign up? No. Right now we are gathering interest. We will be in touch as the date gets closer to discuss your specific project and creative needs.

What should I expect at the open house? Students will tour the cafeteria observing art, participating in art and discussing art with different artist. If you would like to participate as an open house artist, you will receive one 6ft table from the school. All other display needs should be provided by the artist. We encourage artists to have an interactive element. This is a great opportunity to showcase your art and to get the younger generation involved in your creative medium.